Balance to Network Virtual Appliance (NVA)
HA Ports allow the LB to drop the ports and protocols requirements for balancing rules, forwarding all ports and protocols to the destination
Floating IP =
means that the request will have the IP and Port replaced with LB name and port. Ifdisabled
(default), the IP and Ports will correspond to the destination.
To load balancer request for a Network Virtual appliance, HA ports are required:
- Internal-only
- Standard SKU
Must Internal + Standard to enable HA Ports.
And Floating IP must be enabled
when creating the rule, so in case of multiple services responding to the same Port.
az network lb create -g 'rg-az104' -n 'lb-az104-standard' --sku 'Standard' --private-ip-address '10.0.0.x'